A Look at How Dell Inc. Organizes its Immediate Crisis Response

When and how brands and organizations should react to a crisis is a constant PR conundrum. Perhaps the definitive answer is that there isn’t a definitive answer.

For example, in this edition’s lead story the advice is instant global response since the market judges a brand on its crsis behavior within five business days. Yet Katie Paine provides the example of Nike, which held back when people were burning Nikes.

This graphic, from Lauren Lee, a member of Dell Inc.’s corporate public affairs team, offers a five-step method for managing a PR crisis during its first eight hours. The initial step urges fact gathering to determine whether or not the situation is truly a crisis.

She emphasizes having a pre-approved external holding statement at the ready. An example, “We’re aware of the situation and are gathering the facts. We’ll provide any updates as soon as possible.” Lee says Dell’s core crisis team is three people, but subject experts are added as needed.