7 Ways to Express Your Love for Your Favorite Influencers on Valentine’s Day

Happy-Valentines-DayHistory's great lovers share a simple secret to their romantic success—they listen. They don't fake it, either. They truly listen to what their object of desire is saying, making that person on the other side of the table or other end of the phone feel as if they are the only other person in the world, that they matter and are appreciated.

PR professionals are in the business of communicating and, as in matters of the heart, the cornerstones of communicating are listening and showing appreciation. This being Valentine's Day, we offer these suggestions to show your favorite journalists, influencers, followers and customers (otherwise known as people) on social channels that you listen to and appreciate them.

1. Show that you care about what journalists and other influencers care about. Pay attention to what they're tweeting about and share like-minded posts and content.

2. Credit a great tweet or a great link in retweets, and include real messages of praise and name checks.

3. Tag influencers you admire and thank them for their great work.

4. Sing the praises today of your favorite bloggers, even if they haven't posted anything recently.

5. Valentine's Day has fallen on Friday, so heap on the #FF love.

6. Spend quality time today with your social media analytics tools to discover new influencers who are engaging with you, and love them back.

7. Refrain from directly promoting anything today on social and offer useful content or freebies.

Follow Steve Goldstein: @SGoldsteinAI