

NFL Commish Goodell Should Have Brought a Crisis Manager to His Twitter Chat

May 7th, 2014 by

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell became the latest example of what can go wrong with a runaway social media conversation. Here are some tips to avoid a similar disaster.

Facebook Emerges from Dark Ages to Offer New Video Measurement Statistics

May 6th, 2014 by

By offering these new metrics which are tied to highly-accurate Facebook accounts, communicators and page owners can look forward to more precise video statistics, and Facebook can look forward to cutting a bit into YouTube’s video hosting dominance.

Is There a Game of Thrones Character on Your Team?

May 5th, 2014 by

I am writing this blog post because I know you either watch Game of Thrones or have to listen to people who watch it. Not that I’m trying to game the system, but let’s face it: you need a break from your cerebral workday to think or water-cooler-talk about your favorite TV show, be it […]

A New Way for PR Pros to ‘POST’ Mobile Content

May 5th, 2014 by

With so-called “responsive design” now making it easier for brands and organization to optimize their mobile platforms, the conversation has started to shift to how to create a mobile layout that will engage audiences and keep them coming back. That presents both challenges and opportunities for communicators of all stripes.

Is There a Game of Thrones Character on Your Team?

May 5th, 2014 by

I am writing this blog post because I know you either watch Game of Thrones or have to listen to people who watch it. Not that I’m trying to game the system, but let’s face… Continued

The New Frontier for Press Releases

May 5th, 2014 by

The press release, the seminal tool of PR, has been competing in a jungle of media noise, and only those releases that are well written and creative enough make it through the canopy.

Case Study: Concocting a ‘Sweet’ Community Relations Plan

May 5th, 2014 by

During a one-year time frame, Nipro’s goal would be to build a strategic philanthropic plan that aligned the company’s giving with its business goals and objectives; this would allow for greater buy-in for community involvement efforts.

Getting Above the (Digital) Fold

May 5th, 2014 by

As more and more of the major media outlets adopt a digital-first model, their Twitter accounts (and related keywords) present communicators with another PR vehicle to extend their reach.

How Build Trust Across Different Cultures

May 5th, 2014 by

Since geography and culture are so tightly linked, leaders should start to pay attention to the implications of cultural and geographical differences.

Unify Paid, Earned, Owned Initiatives

May 5th, 2014 by

To run highly effective communications campaigns, our silos need to collapse and we need to embrace all three pillars of P/E/O.