Want to Reverse a Negative Image? Get Some Backup! 

If you are representing a client or are with a company that wants to alter a negative public perception based on outdated information, you’ll need to follow these best practices, says AISI’s communications VP, Nancy Gravatt:

1.    “It’s essential to do research so that you know exactly—and in what detail—the misperceptions are about your industry.”
2.    “You will need to arm yourself with the strongest facts that demonstrate the positive stories you have to tell, but make sure that they’re accurate, defensible, supported by statistics and studies.”
3.    “Have a ‘truth squad’ approach. You’re trying to tell this compelling story, but the minute that you see something that’s wrong about your industry or client, particularly if it’s in a prominent media outlet, you need to get it corrected. Make sure it doesn’t linger out there. That’s an area in which third-party advocates can be so effective.”

Contact: Nancy Gravatt, [email protected]