Write Right for Mobile: 3 Takeaways

Jamie Izaks

Mobile communications is a tough nut to crack, whether you are an analyst, marketer or PR pro. The screen is generally small, and the attention span of users is microscopic. Nevertheless, it is a direct portal to your audience, and your content is always just a tap or swipe away.

Mobile communications requires its own unique strategy—you can't assume that the same methods you use on the Web will work on mobile. Jamie Izaks, president at All Points PR and speaker at PR News’ Nov. 21 Writing Boot Camp at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, offers three tips here for the PR pro looking to communicate better on mobile.

1. Less is more. "Owned media, i.e. blogs, and informative websites, are more important than ever before for our clients," Izaks says. "We are constantly writing content. However, consumption of that content is different on desktops/laptops versus mobile devices. For mobile versions, follow this motto: Less is more. Consider bullet-pointing information, leaving out any graphics/photos, linking to secondary information and eliminating all fluff and filler content."

2. Offer two versions. "So you've shortened and sharpened content for mobile, but your desktop/laptop users want more information. From your mobile version, link to a more comprehensive blog and website article."

3. Be deliberate with your mobile design. "Hurried mobile users don't want to be bogged down in swiping past images. They want information in an instant. Keep the top of your mobile pages free of graphic clutter, focus on succinct copy and defer additional content to links that go to expanded articles. Focus the initial mobile page on key points and link to additional information."

Jamie Izaks will be speaking on the session “Mobile Communications: How to Write Right for Mobile,” on Nov. 21 at PR News’ Writing Boot Camp in Chicago.

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