Search Results for: PR News’ PR People, People to Watch & Top Places to Work Awards Luncheon- November 29, 2012/page/3/

Letter to the Editor

August 10th, 2005 by
To The Editor: Re: "Does Constant Awards Buzz Translate Into New Business?" (And Another Thing..., July 27), I enjoyed your comments and agree that too many PR awards programs are little more than beauty pageants,… Continued
By Mitch Arnowitz Viral or "word-of-mouth" marketing is rapidly climbing the corporate-agenda ladder. More and more word-of-mouth is being used by companies and organizations for relationship- building and message dissemination in pitching causes, candidates and… Continued

Media Metrics

August 10th, 2005 by
It's one of those aspects of being a senior PR pro that has a Groundhog Day-like quality: The company releases a new product (or the latest enhancement for an existing one) that, while beneficial for… Continued

PR Pulse

August 10th, 2005 by
To quote the kids, e-mail messaging is soooooo yesterday. A report released last week by The Pew Internet & American Life Project says for many teens (read: future customers) e-mail is fast being eclipsed by… Continued

PRSA Names New Marketing VP

August 10th, 2005 by
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) said last week that it had hired Barbara McDonald as the group's new VP of marketing. McDonald, who reports to Catherine Bolton, PRSA's executive director and COO, is… Continued