What Are the Most Important Skills PR Pros Need to Develop Now?

PR professionals are tasked with a lot these days. From writing traditional press releases and website copy, to crisis management and social media, the list of responsibilities seems to grow almost daily. It's hard to know which skills communicators should be prioritizing to stay at the top of their field.

For insight on this career-making question, we turned to the PR News community. We asked our Twitter audience to fill in the blank: "The most important skill PR pros need to develop is ____."

Some of the responses:

Others mentioned "patience," "versatility" and "honesty." Interestingly, most of the responses relate to work habits and personal attributes, rather than specific skills that might require formal training, such as PR measurement and dashboards, live streaming, Snapchat, Google Analytics, SEO or social listening, which may be telling in and of itself.