Digital media can impact even the most traditional industries. Books, for example, can find new life or launch via TikTok #BookTok. Legacy newspapers can attract a whole new audience on Instagram with Reels explaining current events. Vinyl record collectors host podcasts and create extensive YouTube channels. PRNEWS spoke with Gabrielle Gambrell about her new position as Chief Communications Officer at Hachette Book Group, and what communicators can learn from the publishing industry.
PRNEWS: Congrats on your new role! What drew you to this position and the world of book publishing?
Gabrielle Gambrell: What excites me most about publishing is the tremendous impact—whether streaming, television, film, audio, and beyond, publishing continues to evolve with the current drumbeat of media. When I think of some of my favorite films and series, many of them were based on published work.
PRNEWS: What do you see as the top priorities for comms at the organization right now? What about the book publishing industry in general?
GG: The world is content-driven more than ever, so it's exciting to elevate great books, authors and executives. HBG’s mission is to make it easy for everyone to discover new worlds of ideas, learning, entertainment and opportunity. We do this by Understanding Consumers, Changing the Story, Having an Owner Mentality, and operating with a Growth Mindset. HBG remains at the forefront of storytelling, and I look forward to stirring dynamic conversations about content creation with publishing at the helm, multichannel storytelling, various ways to consume books, audio and more as well as the evolution of publishing.
PRNEWS: How has the rise of digital media and social platforms changed the way you approach public relations?
GG: Digital media and social platforms are fantastic tools and a proper public relations approach takes both into consideration. I study digital and social platforms intensely as I work with and teach the next generation of leaders. Like publishing, digital and social platforms continue to evolve to stay relevant and garner the mass attention.
PRNEWS: Is the company leveraging book influencers and using digital media in campaigns? (i.e. #BookTok)
GG: I LOVE #BookTok! It’s definitely a priority for HBG to strategically join pivotal conversations happening online, to discover new worlds of ideas, learning, entertainment and opportunity. Digital media helps us to learn the needs, wants, and passions of our key audiences and consumers. Digital media provides superb data to explore emerging trends, ideas and the future of the industry.
PRNEWS: How has the rise of digital media and AI impacted the publishing industry? Is that something you will be working on?
GG: AI-generated content can absolutely be concerning, and it’s something that we’re paying close attention to—keeping in mind proper ownership, our authors and authentic creators. Our creative processes, digital media, as well as AI will continue to be top of mind and serve as valid reasons to stay afloat to technological advancements and ethics. Just like all other mediums, it’s imperative to obtain ethics, while still embracing new technology.
PRNEWS: What are some of your current favorite books?
GG: Some of my favorite Hachette Group Books have been written by dear friends and people whom I admire. Minda Harts, friend, and fellow New York University faculty member’s book "The Memo," is an absolute favorite. I often give the book to women of color in the workplace, as well as senior leaders of all backgrounds. As a sports fan, I love Mirin Fader’s "Giannis: The Improbable Rise of an NBA MVP." I’ve been following Mirin’s career for some time as we grew up in the same Los Angeles neighborhood. The way she was able to break down NBA player Giannis Antetokounmpo's extraordinary rise to American superstardom and NBA champion was inspiring to say the least.