For MasterCard to achieve maximum success, the company knows its employees must also be successful. Therefore it is committed to creating an environment in which employees can hone their skills and experience growth opportunities through a number of resources.
Those resources include a Global Talent Development philosophy, which is focused on helping employees build successful careers, continually sharpening their skills and making a positive impact. To foster a workplace environment where employees are encouraged to constantly innovate, MasterCard realizes the importance of connecting them with possibilities to be on the leading edge of new information, ideas and business knowledge.
Dedicated teams of learning consultants, facilitators, coaches, instructional designers and developers operate under a clear mandate to provide a gold standard of excellence in learning programs, platforms, options and solutions in support of that vision.
MasterCard also offers a Smart Moves Program that actively encourages employees to seek lateral job opportunities in other areas of the organization and regions of the world.
Employees with children who will soon be heading off to college are provided access to experts in the higher education field and gain assistance for themselves and their families through the preparation, selection, application and financing phases of college.
The MasterCard Scholarship Program is a global scholarship program for dependents of employees. The program encourages and recognizes academic excellence and helps MasterCard employees defray the cost of their dependents' undergraduate college education. The program awards ten $5,000 scholarships annually.
MasterCard also provides financial assistance to help offset the costs associated with the legal adoption process. Employees are reimbursed for eligible adoption expenses for up to a maximum of $5,000 per child.