Evolve is a young and diverse company that is growing fast and offers limitless opportunities for personal growth for employees. Evolve is a woman-owned company with an entirely female staff, and it is remarkably diverse in terms of ethnicity.
The corporate culture is beauty-chic-meets-inclusive-family. Every employee at Evolve, from intern to CEO, is challenged to meet their own career potential and define what they want from their job. Each staff member has a weekly one-on-one meeting with their direct supervisor to review what is working and what they need to be doing to ensure they are prepared for the next step in their career.
Evolve opened its doors in September 2014 with four employees and now has more than 20 full-time employees. The agency has never encountered an issue with turnover or being understaffed. Since Evolve's founding, it has had only one full-time employee leave the agency (so she could spend more time with her growing family).
Evolve encourages employees to pursue any avenue necessary to improve their knowledge of the industry and their own viability in the marketplace. The agency has paid for coaching and professional development classes for staff and hosted a media trainer this summer who guided a full-day session for junior staff on presentation skills and active listening.