Claire Hunter serves as the division manager for the West Central Region of Allstate Insurance Company, which includes Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.
Hunter partners closely with the leaders in the West Central Region to tell Allstate's story and develop line of sight for employees to Allstate's strategy. She also works closely with media outlets on complex inquiries and manages the local annual Allstate Foundation budget of $225,000 and relationships with nonprofit partners.
Prior to Hunter's promotion to a corporate relations division manager for the West Central Region, she worked as a corporate communications specialist in the Southern Region, responsible for supporting Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi. Hunter's diverse geographic exposure to the company's business operations gives her a unique perspective on the complex insurance environment that varies by state.
Hunter has supported efforts to raise awareness around distracted driving and road safety, working with media outlets to drive awareness about Allstate's 12th Annual America's Best Drivers Report, which ranks driving safety in America's 200 largest cities. For the eight states she pitched for, Hunter was able to drive a total of 31 hits for the campaign and an estimated audience reach of 87,968,135 views.