2016 Rising PR Stars: Armando Diaz, Supervising Associate, EY

Armando Diaz works to raise visibility on workplace and diversity issues at EY. From parental leave benefits, to LGBT, veterans' and women's initiatives, he has secured numerous top-tier print, online and broadcast placements for EY. Diaz understands that these issues not only affect EY, but the broader corporate sector.

In addition to his duties at EY, Diaz works with the D.C. chapter of the League of United Latino American Citizens to mentor underrepresented minorities who are interested in entering the communications and public relations industries.

In 2016, Diaz worked with EY leadership to announce new paid parental leave benefits in the U.S. He worked closely with leadership to develop messaging and a narrative that would not only resonate with the media, but with 60,000 EY U.S. professionals.

Diaz targeted specific reporters that could help tell the EY narrative, while raising awareness of the importance of paid family leave in the U.S. He secured a key Forbes piece that named EY as the leader in professional services in terms of paid family leave benefits. In addition to Forbes, he secured an Associated Press article and stories in Business Insider, Fast Company and CNN, among others.