Zillow Group may dominate the real estate industry, but Camille Salama Chotzen has elevated the brand into a tech industry leader as well. In her role as manager of corporate communications, she spearheads executive visibility initiatives for Zillow’s C-Suite and co-founder Rich Barton, shapes corporate communications strategy, shines a light on Zillow Group’s award-winning culture and benefits programs and plays a central role in communicating quarterly earnings results.
In the past year, Chotzen has earned over a hundred media placements on Zillow Group’s culture, benefits and executive leadership, and she has helped place nearly a dozen bylines in top-tier publications like Fortune and CNBC for Zillow Group’s executive team. Her tenacity and creative thinking turned initiatives like Zillow’s Housing Roadmap series and CEO Spencer Rascoff’s podcast “Office Hours” into huge wins for the brand.
As a leader in the Housing Roadmaps series, Chotzen worked with Zillow economists to spark conversations on housing policy and break down barriers between local politicians and their communities. Through relationships with influencers and national media, she helped the "Office Hours" podcast win thousands of downloads within weeks of its initial launch.