Co-Winner: EngenderHealth — Expanding Access to International Family Planning
EngenderHealth launched the Where’s the Family Planning?! campaign utilizing a sassy tone to grab the attention of American women in their thirties and early forties. It was particularly focused on women who are less familiar with the global context and challenges that women in developing countries face and looks to inspire action to support the more than 220 million women worldwide who want access to contraception but don’t have it.
The campaign was designed as a lively and engaging digital effort with shareable content and a strong social media focus, centered on a provocative and informative video. In the first weeks of the campaign, EngenderHealth’s campaign video received over 350,000 views and was picked up by Time Magazine, CBS News, Cosmo, Buzzfeed, Jezebel and Huffington Post. A social media push that ran alongside the video resulted in Twitter followers and Facebook impressions overwhelmingly reaching the desired demographic of women between 25 and 44.
Co-Winner: Singer Associates — The Gorilla Foundation
In 2001, Robin Williams was invited to meet Koko the gorilla, who is famous for her fluency in American Sign Language, at The Gorilla Foundation in California. Williams and Koko became fast friends, which led to Williams’ long-term support of The Gorilla Foundation. At the time of William’s passing, Singer Associates and The Gorilla Foundation collected the footage of Williams’ first time meeting Koko and assembled it into a short video to highlight a little known aspect of the comedian’s life.
The video of Koko and Williams playing together not only embodied The Gorilla Foundation’s mission of connecting people to these amazing animals, but also was a powerful example of one man’s ability to connect with others. The video captured Williams’ spirit, humor and kindness while paying tribute to a very special man. The video saw coverage in over 100 media outlets, such as Associated Press, Fox News, CNN, Huffington Post and CBS News. In one month, the video received over 4 million views and helped raise awareness for great ape conservation through the humor and laughter of The Gorilla Foundations long-time friend, Robin Williams.
Honorable Mentions
- AXON: National Hemophilia Foundation - What Schools Should Know: Having a Student with a Bleeding Disorder Video
- Reputation Architects Inc. – Transforming Lives: ArchCare 2014 Gala Fundraising Video
- Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust – Encore Prizes for Exceptional Organizations