Top Places to Work in PR 2014: MSLGROUP


MSLGROUP recognizes that “one size does not fit all” and that career growth is an individualized process based on talent, performance and business needs. The firm aligns career progression, opportunity and culture to the “Millennium Compass” to ensure they deliver on what is important to today’s workforce, what they want in their relationships with managers and their expectations of career progression.

High Performers and High Potential employees are tracked and rewarded with opportunity, recognition and incentive. Professional development programs such as the “Emerging Leaders’ Summit” and the “G5 on demand learning program” are exclusively offered to high potential employees.

The MSLGROUP culture is inspired and influenced by its rich heritage of Parisian traditions on one hand, American culture on the other and a dynamic and rapidly growing Asian voice. That means versatility and flexibility are core markers of its culture. This multicultural heritage allows the firm to thrive in a communications world where old structures are collapsing, boundaries are blurring and innovative thinking reigns supreme. The company offers the environment, the space and the inspiration to allow its employees to be innovators who can look at problems in new ways and come up with the solutions nobody has considered before.