MasterCard Worldwide
For MasterCard to achieve maximum success, the company knows its employees must also be successful. The company is committed to creating an environment in which employees can hone in on their skills and have the opportunities to rise among the ranks.
This past year MasterCard relaunched its intranet to ensure it has more social capabilities. Since then, an option to add comments on the internal blog has driven two- way engagement among employees at all levels.
When most people think of mentoring, they envision a seasoned professional counseling a younger, 20-something just starting out in their career. This is not always the case at MasterCard. The seasoned professional can also learn.
Ron Garrow is MasterCard’s chief human resources officer. With more than 30 years of work experience under his belt, Ron realized that he was lacking in his ability to utilize social media to be a brand advocate and an industry influencer. Ron sought out Rebecca Kaufman, a recent college graduate to beef up his social media knowhow. This relationship has benefited both parties and Ron has come to be a mentor to Rebecca as well.
Reverse mentoring started in the St. Louis office in 2011 and has made its way to MasterCard’s Purchase, NY headquarters as well as offices in Waterloo (Belgium), Miami and Toronto.