Stories by Steve Goldstein


2013 PR News Hall of Fame: Harold Burson

December 10th, 2013 by

Harold Burson, Founding Chairman, Burson-Marsteller Harold Burson and Bill Marsteller established Burson-Marsteller on March 1, 1953. The new jointly owned Burson-Marsteller was the first firm to offer what has become known as integrated communications. In… Continued

2013 PR News Hall of Fame: Gary Sheffer

December 10th, 2013 by

Gary Sheffer, VP, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, General Electric Gary Sheffer, who has been at GE for 14 years, has been one or PR’s most influential proponents of corporate transparency—before and after the 2008… Continued

2013 PR People to Watch: Samantha A. Un

December 10th, 2013 by

Samantha A. Un, Senior Communications Representative, Lockheed Martin Corporation Five years ago, Samantha Un was selected for Lockheed Martin’s Communications Leadership Development program—a highly selective program that recruits top graduates from top PR schools. She… Continued

2013 PR People Awards: PR Professional of the Year: Agency

December 10th, 2013 by

Winner: Jody Sunna, Senior Vice President, Havas PR Jody Sunna quadrupled the consumer practice at Havas PR this year by winning Coty Fragrances to add to the agency’s other Coty business, and by acquiring new… Continued

2013 PR People Awards: Social Media Professional of the Year

December 10th, 2013 by

Winner:  Greg Swan, Senior Vice President, Brand Innovation and Digital Strategy, Weber Shandwick Greg Swan is one of the main forces behind “Army Strong Stories,” recognized as an industry best-practice social media PR program that… Continued

2013 PR People Awards: Brand Marketer of the Year

December 10th, 2013 by

Winner: Marilyn Fancher, Chief Creative Officer, APCO Worldwide Successfully positioning one of the world’s most renowned candy brands as a promoter of healthy living is the kind of challenge that makes Marilyn Fancher the Brand… Continued

2013 PR People Awards: PR Professional of the Year: Corporate

December 10th, 2013 by

Winner: Chris Hook, Director of Enthusiast and Component PR, Social Media and Product Reviews, AMD At the beginning of 2013, Chris Hook inherited a portfolio in turmoil, a team of zero, and a mission to… Continued

2013 PR People Awards: Media Relations Professional of the Year

December 10th, 2013 by

Winner: Myra Oppel, Regional Communications Vice President, Pepco Holdings Myra Oppel joined Pepco Holdings in mid-2012, after the company had reached its all-time low customer satisfaction score and its Pepco utility had been named the… Continued

2013 PR People to Watch: Amy Wang

December 10th, 2013 by

Amy Wang, Communications Specialist, Kaiser Permanente In the past two years, Amy Wang has developed key PR skills, including storytelling, managing difficult clients and technical skills like shooting and editing video. Much of it is… Continued

2013 PR People to Watch: Megan Whittemore

December 10th, 2013 by

Megan Whittemore, Press Secretary, Office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Taking complex policy and making it digestible for members of Congress, the media and the American people is not easy—Megan Whittemore does this every… Continued