2013 PR People to Watch: Amanda Tutera

Amanda Tutera, Community Relations Program, Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric

Amanda Tutera owns/manages PG&E’s relationship with Habitat for Humanity. She is responsible for annual design, implementation and promotion of $1.2 million annual “Solar Habitat” partnership program, serves as day-to-day point of contact for both Habitat for Humanity International and 25+ local affiliates.

In principle, Tutera’s role is of traditional corporate philanthropic manager—ensuring the program funding and functionality. In practice, she is a proactive champion of the partnership, creating opportunities and channels for growth and visibility that previously did not exist. Without the aid of an internal team or external agency support, she has single-handedly garnered local, regional and national attention for the program in new and original ways.

Her innovative efforts mark firsts for both partners, and achievement when noting the scale of both her Fortune 200 company and Habitat’s status of a leading global nonprofit. Within the PR industry, her innovation and success have been award-winning, including Habitat and PG&E a finalist ranking at the 2012 PR News CSR Awards for best Nonprofit/Corporate Partnership.