The digital age is changing how brands approach their marketing strategy and promote their products.
If consumers search the Internet and can’t find information about a specific company’s product, that brand is in trouble.
As a result of the ever-changing times, to improve the effectiveness of campaigns and increase awareness about their brands, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an important tool for communicators.
Creating strategies to make sure the consumers find content, ensuring that tactics used will increase purchasing power and effectively use social media to increase optimization are additional challenges PR pros now face.
At a recent PR News SEO webinar, Laura Kempke, senior VP at Schwartz, MSL, offered the following eight tips to maximize your brand’s SEO efforts:
Remember your audience
Use anchor text to link to and within your site
Pay attention to titles and make them succinct
Build the SEO foundation through website copy
Make the most of your (and other people’s) blogs
Images: Search engines can’t read them, so surround them with relevant text
Don’t forget to optimize video, webinars and presentations
Tie newsletters to your website for an SEO lift
Follow Jamar Hudson: @jamarhudson
Thanks for the linkbait, Jamar.