Marketing and communication professionals gathered in New York on Wednesday (October 18) to celebrate the 2023 PRNEWS Platinum Awards, which marks excellence in communications across people, teams and campaigns.
"This year’s entries set new records and I’m thrilled to see so many of you—clients, agencies, organizations, partners—with us,” said Danielle Sikes, Brand Director, PRNEWS. “As the line between PR and Communications continues to blur and as the thin line between PR departments and Marketing departments continues to get thinner, what you do has never been more important—or deserving of recognition.”
Unilever Canada (Edelman) won the PRNEWS Platinum "Grand Prix" Award for its #KeepTheGrey campaign.
Amy Binder, RF| Binder, Andrew Freeman, af&co, Curtis Sparrer, Bospar and James Wright, Red Havas all received honors for the PR People of the Year: CEO category. Havas Formula won Agency of the Year (Large).
A multiple-award winner of the night, Priceline’s campaign: Priceline Takes Travelers to Their Happy Price, won for best Integrated Communications, Marketing & PR campaign, best Branding campaign and Campaign of the Year: Travel, Hospitality and Tourism.
A full list of, and more information about, all winners and honorable mentions can be found here.