

Rapid-Response Tactics for When the News About Your Organization Is Bad and Getting Worse

July 25th, 2016 by

When negative news, such as a recall or a possible E. coli outbreak, hits the headlines, how should brand communicators handle it? And since most PR News Pro readers are outside the food sector, let’s broaden the discussion: How should communicators react when negative items about their brand make news? We’ll use food as a jumping-off point. The tactics and strategies we’ll cover apply to most sectors.

Top Nonprofit Brands on Twitter: Engagement With Videos Up 125% in First Quarter of 2016

July 25th, 2016 by

In case you hadn’t realized, video is no longer a fad. It has become a fait accompli. As we’ve seen in this series, which has examined Shareablee data made available exclusively to PR News, consumer engagement with U.S. brands—B2C and B2B—on social media in Q1 2016 has grown year over year. Tremendous increases in consumer engagement with video posts have powered the bulk of the growth. Consumer engagement, or actions, is defined as the sum of retweets and likes. The same pattern seen with B2C and B2B ( PRN, July 11) holds true for nonprofits, the subject of this week’s Data Dive. In Q1 2016, U.S. nonprofits generated 5.3 million actions on Twitter, a 49% improvement compared with the same time last year. A 125% increase in engagement with video content on the platform was responsible for the growth. Actions rose 49%, from 3.56 million to 5.3 million.


July 25th, 2016 by

There are myriad lessons for communicators related to transparency, monitoring the social conversation and when and whom to engage from two recent news items. The first item has the Republican Party being forced to shut down its live chat on YouTube July 18. The party had urged viewers to chat while it streamed its convention live on YouTube. The reason for the shut-down were anti-Semitic comments posted on the live chat as former Hawaii governor Linda Lingle was addressing the convention. The other involves the nasty messages sent via social to actor/comedian Leslie Jones, a co-star of Ghostbusters.

5 Tips Summer Interns Used to Get Hired, Plus Insight from Their Boss

July 25th, 2016 by

So here you are: You’ve landed your dream summer internship. Look at you! Being an ambitious, forward-thinking go-getter, you’re already wondering how to convert it into a full-time job. We were in your shoes not long ago. Below are the most important things we did as interns to land full-time gigs. To add perspective, we’ve invited our boss, Becky Boles, to add her thoughts on what it takes to get hired by a major communications firm.

How the 2016 Presidential Race May Change Brand Communications

July 22nd, 2016 by

Polarization is deeply embedded in the American psyche, a reality brands must accept and deal with. It affects them beyond the hot-button political issues of the day—immigration, race, gender identity, climate change, for instance—that they have to either tiptoe around or address head-on. The polarization affects the way our minds now function and speaks to the question of how to convince the undecided of anything when, for so many of us, our minds are already made up.

How the 2016 Presidential Race May Change Brand Communications

July 22nd, 2016 by

Brand communicators seek to influence the undecided and convince them of the value of the product or service they’re representing. They try to accomplish this through third-party media coverage, the sharing of their own content… Continued

social media, platform, next, facebook instagram, twitter, snapchat, question mark

The Next Big Social Media Platform? PR News’ Community Weighs In

July 22nd, 2016 by

In today’s rapid-fire social media climate, it’s important for PR pros to watch for signals that forecast the next social media platform to take off and grow exponentially with users. With that in mind, we asked you, as top communicators and public relations strategists, to predict the next social media platform that’s going to explode in popularity and user growth.

Earning Your Branded Content: 4 Takeaways and Calls to Action

July 22nd, 2016 by

Owned content of an app, video library, article or visual is difficult for anyone to grab true exposure for, and native is still a game for those with the most money. Rarely spoken of is the power of distributing branded content via earned media in a way that is actually scalable and measurable.

Facebook Messenger: 1 Billion Served

July 21st, 2016 by

By 2018, 3.6 billion people—90% of the world’s internet-enabled population—will be registered to use at least one messaging app, according to Activate, a strategy and technology consultancy. Facebook would like to have its Messenger app on each of those 3.6 billion devices, and it may get there. The company has just announced that 1 billion people globally use Messenger every month.

Measure Any Social Media Campaign With 3 These Guidelines

July 21st, 2016 by

The PR discipline at large is still trying to come up with widely accepted measurement criteria. The Barcelona Principles—which now include specific suggestions for measuring social media—do a good job at this, but they remain unknown to many communicators. On top of this general confusion, many social networks offer their own native analytics. With these tips, PR pros will be able to gather and analyze their data to align with business goals and build social media intelligence into organizational strategies.