Media Relations


6 Ways to Make Brand Journalism Work for You

July 24th, 2014 by

The best way to generate content that is useful and sharable is to practice brand journalism.

Frito-Lay Crowdsources Potato Chip Flavors, But One Detail Might be a Buzzkill

July 24th, 2014 by

Frito-Lay CFO Hugh Johnston told the AP that the new flavors are more profitable for the company because they put “maybe an ounce or two less” chips in the special bags but charge the same price as a standard bag.

Stephen Colbert Generates Positive PR for Authors—and Himself—in Hachette-Amazon Dispute

July 23rd, 2014 by

Two debut Hachette authors are enjoying the “Colbert bump,” a phenomenon already known in the publishing world whereby books written by authors who appear on “The Colbert Report” see an increase in sales.

PR Lessons from a Growing Meat Scandal

July 22nd, 2014 by

A suspect meat scandal in China is getting worse. The growing scandal surrounding Husi Food should focus the mind of communicators when it comes dealing with global supply chains and crafting a contingency plan for when a crisis ensues.

3 Assumptions to Avoid When Building Reputation

July 16th, 2014 by

It’s an occupational hazard for communicators: It takes years to cultivate a solid reputation, but it could vanish virtually overnight with one boneheaded move by the company. One way to mitigate that possibility may be for PR pros to rethink (and reconfigure) reputation management.

Case Study: New Sustainability Report Helps Company Turn the Page

July 14th, 2014 by

Working with PR agency Strategy XXI Partners, Arizona Chemical developed content in order to make its sustainability report more accessible, shaping the reporting process into editorial nuggets that could be easily conveyed.

As Communications Models Evolve, PR Takes Bigger Role

July 14th, 2014 by

Brand Management at P&G now covers four functions, including communications (the term “public relations” no longer exists at the company). It’s not a sure thing but as goes Procter & Gamble so go many other companies, particularly in consumer markets.

Build Your Media List the Right Way

July 14th, 2014 by

The key is to use technology as a research and organizational tool, not the end-all, be-all solution. These proven strategies will help PR people strengthen their media efforts by relying a little less on technological shortcuts and a little more on targeted research.

How a Frontier Airlines Pilot Used Pizza to Create Goodwill for His Brand

July 10th, 2014 by

Gerhard Bradner, a Frontier Airlines pilot whose Denver-bound plane was diverted to Cheyenne because of a storm, ordered about 50 pizzas to feed the nearly 160 passengers on his plane during the delay.

Brands Newsjacking Brazil’s World Cup Loss Playing With Fire

July 9th, 2014 by

Sports fans—especially soccer fans—are incredibly passionate, and after spectacular losses it may be better for brands who want to steer clear of their wrath to stay out of the discussion.