Media Relations


Kraft-Heinz Merger Poses Major PR Challenges

March 25th, 2015 by

Most any merger will have ripple effects throughout the companies’ communication efforts, but this one should be a real doozy.

Brand Changes Mean Having New Conversations

March 23rd, 2015 by

Spring is in the air, and so are significant changes at some of the most popular brands. These are not marginal changes where a press release and a few media hits will suffice to get out the message, though. They are major breaks from the branded past that require long-term communication strategies and a sustained effort by PR pros.

The Psychology of Influencer Marketing

March 23rd, 2015 by

Unlike some audiences that brands and organizations cater to, influencers are not monolithic but are a loosely affiliated group of individuals who can have a pivotal influence on PR’s ability to drive conversation and spread the word. But getting people online to share information about your company’s products/services or values requires a different mindset than blasting a press release to a similar demographic or giving a presentation to like-minded people.

3 PR Lessons From Starbucks’ #RaceTogether Campaign

March 18th, 2015 by

While some have applauded Starbucks’ efforts, others have hammered a new campaign focusing on race in the U.S.

St. Patrick’s Day May Be PR Remedy for What Ails Guinness

March 17th, 2015 by

A special event is a great springboard for what your brand has in the pipeline and how you are better serving your customers and prospects.

SXSW Interactive: 7 Trends for PR Pros to Watch

March 13th, 2015 by

SXSW Interactive returns for its 22nd year to Austin, Texas this week. This year’s festival is sure to offer up plenty of interesting and inspiring content for PR pros, with presentations and panels covering branding and marketing, content and distribution, the future of tech and emerging workforce trends.

Infographic: The State of the Media in 2015

March 12th, 2015 by

New social and digital trends have done away with traditional models and fundamentally changed the way PR interacts with the media and the public. Cision’s “The State of the Media 2015 Report” examines traditional and social media in 2014 as well as the rise of mobile, video and new media entrepreneurs.

#InternationalWomensDay Campaign Cuts Through Clutter With Absence

March 9th, 2015 by

The Not There campaign is a clever demonstration of bringing an important issue into the public conversation to spark a dialogue and hopefully draw support for the cause.

Getting Reporters to Bite

March 9th, 2015 by

Getting your pitch across the plate requires PR pros to be mindful of several things, lest the proposal end up in the circular file. But in a social media age, making sure you don’t waste a reporter’s time may not even be half the battle. That’s because you have to think about how the reporter can share the message with his or her network.

Media Relations Manners

March 9th, 2015 by

To cultivate relationships with journalists, there are a litany of practices to master; that’s if you want a puncher’s chance of getting reporters to consider your pitches and/or respond to your telephone calls.