Archive: June 2005


No Surrender In Ongoing Communications Wars

June 1st, 2005 by

It’s been ugly for some time now. Your clients’ adversaries aren’t just trying to win a lawsuit here or recall a product there. They’ve developed an ever-more-interconnected skein of interest groups, public advocates and lawyers… Continued

PR Pulse

June 1st, 2005 by

Good news for hugh swaths of Canadian forest, but (more) bad news for newspaper publishers (and PR execs conditioned to working with print): A recent survey from JupiterResearch shows that the number of online adults… Continued

How CSR Is Driving The Way Companies Conduct Business

June 1st, 2005 by

Just when you think you assume you’re doing everything right, it’s amazing how many things can go wrong. Take Newsweek, whose editors thought they had a solid source on an upcoming report about prisoner abuses… Continued