Archive: May 2005


Music-Math Debate Goes Behind The Numbers

May 18th, 2005 by

COMPANY: Siemens Foundation PR AGENCY: Dentsu Communications BUDGET: $36,000 in fees for concert, $50,000 for expenses TIMEFRAME: 2004 While researching student bios in order to write press releases about the finalists in 2002’s Siemens Westinghouse… Continued

Media Watch: Debunking Journalistic Myths

May 18th, 2005 by

Which newswire sources do newshounds most regularly pay attention to? Which types of media favor newswire distribution over other media? Most PR execs, eager to puff their clients, would jump at the chance to discover… Continued

Cultivating Grassroots PR

May 18th, 2005 by

By Mark Reilly I recently attended a conference on political involvement and, after about an hour or so of presentations, someone said something that blew me away: “You are all talking about what the best… Continued

Effective Nonprofit/Corporate Partnerships Focus On Relationships, Not The ‘Return’

May 18th, 2005 by

When AT&T was trying to drum up community support for its cable franchises in Chicago in 2001, the telecommunications giant reached out in a big way. Hoping to gain allies within the black community, AT&T… Continued

PR Pulse

May 18th, 2005 by

Buzzback Market Research and Pantone Inc., developer of the PANTONE color system, recently released their annual Color Survey (2005). The survey queried more than 2,750 Americans (representative of U.S. Census Bureau stats) on their attitudes… Continued

PRSA Hedges Bets At VNR Hearing

May 18th, 2005 by

Judith Phair, president of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), testified on Capitol Hill last week that the PRSA would support a temporary amendment requiring disclosure of government video news releases (VNRs) but oppose… Continued

Partnering Pr Strategically: Think Big, Act Small

May 18th, 2005 by

By John Baldoni/Baldoni Consulting LLC PR can and should play a tactical role in product launches and customer-relationship management, of course, but those tactics must be rooted in the larger goals of what the enterprise… Continued

Biz Cap Has To Be Snug If You Want To Sell Power of PR

May 18th, 2005 by

For Steve Cody, it was back to school — in more ways than one. Cody, co-founder of New York City-based Peppercom, held court earlier this year with corporate executives for two days as part of… Continued

‘The Science Beneath the Art’ (from The Institute of Public Relations)

May 11th, 2005 by

(Public relations science, or measurement, is expanding today at a furious clip as PR executives jockey to put some benchmarks on their campaigns to which the boss can relate. This new column will be a… Continued

APR: Part Of The PR Lineup Or A Benchwarmer?…

May 11th, 2005 by

Near his 100th birthday in the early 1990s, Edward Bernays, who is considered the father of public relations, campaigned unsuccessfully to get legislation passed in Massachusetts and other states that would have required the licensing… Continued