Partnering Pr Strategically: Think Big, Act Small

By John Baldoni/Baldoni Consulting LLC

PR can and should play a tactical role in product launches and customer-relationship management, of course, but those tactics must be rooted in the larger goals of what the
enterprise wants to accomplish, e.g., increased revenues, improved margins and greater market share. When you know and act in the big picture, you can make informed decisions
about how involved to become in specific tactics. You then spend PR funds wisely and cooperatively across business functions. Here are some things to consider:

  • Think big. Ask the big question: Where is the company headed and how can communications help it get there? For example, if the company wants to position itself as
    the leader in its field, communications around products, people and performance must communicate leadership. Look for ways your company to blaze the trail others in the industry
    want to follow.
  • Act small. As important as it is to think strategically, PR generates results through its tactics, e.g., the creation of campaigns and events. You want to touch people
    where they live, work with information that is credible and actionable, and create events that are tangible and enjoyable. Above all, PR must strengthen the brand by raising
    awareness and reinforcing equity.
  • Be creative. Edward Bernays taught us to think out of the box. While many in our profession grew up in journalism, many of our next-generation practitioners did not.
    Their world has been shaped by all forms of electronic media. While they use it, they also are skeptical of it. Therefore, they value an experience more than just simple media.
    For this reason, you want to create events where people can test a product, use a service or talk to people like themselves who have.

Contact: John Baldoni is the author of five books on leadership, including his latest, "Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders" (McGraw-Hill). He can be reached at [email protected].