Archive: October 2000


2000 Executive Recruiter Guide

October 9th, 2000 by

The Internet is creeping into the job-hunting patterns of top PR executives, but the majority of those looking to make a jump still rely on the old standbys — schmoozing, networking and using executive recruiters.… Continued

PR NEWS2000 Salary Survey

October 9th, 2000 by

Corporate Salaries (Corporate Salary Averages by Title, Company Size and Industry) POSITION Large Cos. Medium Cos. Small Cos. Senior Vice President Consumer Products $252,121 $177,189 $139,100 Industrial/Manufacturing $190,995 $153,300 $112,050 Healthcare $320,120 $221,490 $168,850 Financial… Continued

Media Moves

October 9th, 2000 by

Susan Berfield shifts from reporter at BusinessWeek International to department editor for the Corporations section. [email protected]…Reporter Anna Robaton leaves Crain’s New York Business. For now, contact senior reporter Judith Messina about city- and statewide health… Continued

Editorial Calendar Alert

October 9th, 2000 by

Love Horror Stories? The December issue of Government Executive will include a feature about the consequences facing tourists who violate international regulations while traveling overseas. The article will concentrate on global danger zones and offer… Continued

New Features

October 9th, 2000 by

Score a Ten. is planning to shine a new spotlight on hot tech products. Its new daily feature, tentatively called “10 O’Clock Tech,” will profile one consumer product per day (preferably on the day… Continued


October 9th, 2000 by

Olé. Recent months have ushered in a slew of new titles en Espanol – most recently ¡Gusto!, a spicy spin-off of Cooking Light (PRN, Sept. 25). But the media trend is hardly limited to print.… Continued

This Just In…

October 9th, 2000 by

Golin/Harris International creates a $20 million PR/PA group in the Washington, D.C. area, with Lane Bailey as the managing director. The group combines public affairs firm Weber McGinn Inc. and lobby shop Barbour, Griffith and… Continued


October 9th, 2000 by

Cantor Concern Director, PR for MA high-tech firm. Develop and manage the execution of a strategic PR plan to build awareness of the company, its products and services among key constituents including customers, industry analysts,… Continued

– 30 –

October 9th, 2000 by

Are we smelling a new trend in analyst relations? Financial analysts who worry about repercussions if they recommend selling a stock can relax – they’re not paranoid, it can really happen. About half of the… Continued

Analyst Moves

October 9th, 2000 by

Ute Appenzeller joins Aberdeen as senior analyst in Aberdeen Europe, managing quantitative research across areas such as e-business, CRM, and Carrier and Enterprise Communications (CEC). [email protected]. David Wright joins as VP, Private Equity Services, researching… Continued