Archive: July 2000


Government Accessible by Mouse

July 10th, 2000 by

Vocus, Inc. introduces a new Web-based tool to help public affairs counselors manage grassroots outreach, build advocacy Web sites, and cultivate relationships with legislators. The service operates under an application service provider (ASP) model -… Continued

Poaching Still Popular in Talent War, But New Hunting Grounds Emerging

July 10th, 2000 by

Laurie Mitchell, exasperated by the bruising dearth of talent available for hire in the PR biz, confesses to her outlandish new recruiting plan. “I’m going to make my own candidates,” she says dryly. “I’m working… Continued

CPR Training Program Gets Anniversary Campaign Pumping

July 6th, 2000 by

When a Florida heart facility geared up to celebrate its 10th anniversary it bypassed the obligatory “thank you” advertising and self-promotional tour events, choosing instead to train the community on how to save lives. In… Continued

Heart Disease Death Rates Vary Widely Among Women

July 6th, 2000 by

While you may be aware that a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work for reaching women with heart disease prevention information, a recent report underscores the need for these messages to be more culturally and geographically focused.… Continued

Medicare HMOs Continue Exits

July 6th, 2000 by

As managed care organizations form a mass exodus from the Medicare market place, the few plans that choose to continue offering Medicare + Choice options are becoming stingier about the benefits they offer. If current… Continued

San Francisco HIV Rates Surge

July 6th, 2000 by

In spite of its reputation for having launched some of the country’s most progressive AIDS prevention campaigns, San Francisco’s new HIV infection rates have tripled over the past two years, according to the department of… Continued

Advertisers Think Twice Before Buying into Controversial Show

July 6th, 2000 by

If the controversial “Dr. Laura” Schlessinger television show airs this fall, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is seeing to it that the program’s advertisers know what they are buying into. With the… Continued

Prioritizing Patient Safety

July 6th, 2000 by

Should patients and families be made aware when medical mistakes occur? Regardless of the increased exposure to litigation and negative publicity, healthcare risk managers believe full disclosure on medical mistakes should be the hospital policy… Continued

What Gets Top Airplay

July 6th, 2000 by

While broadcasters donate airtime for a wide variety of issues, the following chart highlights the topics that grab the attention of the greatest percentage of stations. Issue Television Radio AIDS 66% 65% Alcohol abuse 85%… Continued

Broadcasters Increasingly Give Healthcare PSAs Primetime Play

July 6th, 2000 by

Relying on broadcaster charity is becoming less of a crapshoot and more of a marketing certainty for healthcare public service announcement campaigns. As long as the spots boast high-quality production, timely issue coverage and format/length… Continued