Wheel Advantage: Five Benefits of the Hub and Spoke Social Model   

Want to ensure you’re in control of and getting value from your multiple social media destinations? To start, Jeremiah Olywang, partner at Altimeter Group, and Peter Heffring, CEO of Expion, recommend looking at the Hub and Spoke model. “If you have a lot of spokes—products, departments, franchises, etc.—it’s important to leverage the value of them,” says Heffring. “Moving content from your hub and into the spokes, while empowering your local staff, is the best way to do that.” Here are some Hub and Spoke benefits:

  1. Helps move from social media fragmentation to centralization, but allows for local control as well.

  2. Higher active engagement, which leads to improved customer loyalty.

  3. Better collaboration with employees and customers for more relevant marketing.

  4. Get real-time market intelligence on product and service issues.

  5. Improved accountability when employees own the customer relationship.

PR News subscribers can read more about about the Hub and Spoke model in: Scaling Up: Achieve Control and Value form 'Local' Social Media