Winner: Solomon McCown & Company - Lahey Health: World Prematurity Day
Nov. 17, 2015 was World Prematurity Day, and Solomon McCown & Company saw it as an opportunity to not only raise awareness of Winchester Hospital’s Special Care Nursery, but to also engage, interact and communicate with patients who’d used these services.
Solomon’s client, Lahey Health, is a health system headquartered just outside of Boston. The system and its four hospitals, including Winchester Hospital, are known for being leaders in health care in the region.
The post Solomon shared for World Prematurity Day on Nov. 17, 2015 at 4:56 P.M. was as follows: “Did you know today is World Prematurity Day? If you have had a baby in our Special Care Nursery, we would love to hear how your baby is doing today!”
This post was boosted and Solomon targeted both males and females who like the Winchester Hospital page and their friends ages 18-65+. They also targeted by location specifying the Burlington, Mass. and 50+ miles surrounding area.
The post ultimately received 76 likes, 21 comments, and 5 shares overall. Organically, 2,107 people were reached, with an additional 938 users reached by the boosted post. Every person who commented was sharing a story of how their child or children spent time in Winchester Hospital’s Special Care Nursery with an update of how they are doing today.
This post accomplished the goals of engaging and attracting patients, communicating with patients and the public, reinforcing loyalty, highlighting services and increasing brand awareness. It also created an opportunity for fans to serve as brand advocates for Winchester Hospital, testifying to potential new patients about the quality of care and dedication of hospital employees.
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