Lana McGilvray

Co-Founder & CEO
Purpose Worldwide

Lana McGilvray is the co-founder and CEO Of Purpose Worldwide, a communications consultancy that specializes in helping clients drive their purpose and growth.

McGilvray began her career as a public television writer in 1995, before serving in a variety of roles at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business, McCann-Erickson Worldwide, G-51 Capital and several digital technology companies she helped lead until they went public or were acquired. In 2006, McGilvray was the first and only non-founding principal of Blast PR, leading the agency to record growth and wins.

Over the span of her career, McGilvray’s clients have included:, The City of White Plains, Civics Unplugged, Integral Ad Science, Kiswe, Highclere Castle Gin, HealthClicks, Leo Burnett Mexico for the people of Ecuador, MasterCard, New York Magazine, NYIAX, Reckitt, S4 Capital/MightyHive, SafeGuard Privacy, Tiffany and Co., The Trade Desk, The Pope is Hope “Good is Winning” campaign and USAFacts.

McGilvray is a contributor to Ad Age. She is also an Adobe Influencer and an advisor to The CMO Club, WeRGenZ and several purpose-driven startups.

McGilvray immigrated to the US in 1976, studied under the tutelage of civil rights legend Dr. Everett Parker and now lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, Pentagram Partner DJ Stout and their daughter Lucy.