Going Long Term: 4 Tips for Sustaining a PR Campaign

When PR pros and their clients lay out campaign goals, singular media hits may prove effective at moving the needle, but long-term placements build and sustain momentum and impact the bottom line. So how do you keep the run of success going? Here, Brian Heffron, SVP and partner at Conover Tuttle Pace, gives four surefire ways:

  1. Plan for it: Don’t just circle one date. Use the whole calendar. When mapping out a campaign, identify relevant milestones from kickoff to conclusion and create a series of micro-campaigns aimed at keeping a spotlight on your story.

  2. Break out the binoculars: Look ahead to the coveted December issues of glossy magazines. Pitching long-lead publications can lead to stories months down the road. Stay on top of editorial calendars far enough in advance to take advantage of them.

  3. Tease your audience: A campaign is not simply one big media splurge and a lot of follow-up coverage. Success depends on spacing your coverage before, during and after the big moment. Tease the audience and build excitement with whispers, leaks and previews.

  4. Seize the day: More precisely, seize the news of the day. In almost any industry there are daily developments that spark debate and chatter. Leverage them for the good of your campaign. 

PR News subscribers can read more about how Conover Tuttle Pace earned sustained media coverage for the restoration of the revered and historic Pinehurst No.2 golf course in the case study: "Influencer Comms and Content Creation Make Pinehurst No. 2’s Restoration Campaign a Hole-in-One."

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