50 Game-Changers of PR for 2017

Lubomir Alamanov

Managing Partner

SiteMedia Consultancy

Lubomir Alamanov is one of the most important PR mavens in Bulgaria and general manager at SiteMedia Ltd.. He founded the first Professional Association of the PR agencies, a group which has been labeled the country’s pillar of the professional PR community, and has managed to unite the Bulgarian PR community. He did this in part by proposing and, in the end, establishing that July 7th should be the official Professional Holiday of the Communication Specialists.

He drives the changing perception of PR in Bulgaria—he has been published in many different publications. When he isn’t working on freelance content, he is working with young people who are trying their hand at PR, offering them guidance through different classes and lectures.

He is truly dedicated to up and coming PR professions. He converted his office into a space where he can hold educational seminars, other educational events and meetings free of charge. He calls these meetings #MidWeekPRMeetUp. Every Wednesday his office holds a seminar focused on various hot-button communications topics.

Outside of his #MidWeekPRMeetUp’s, he also participates in other free conferences and educational panels which focus on establishing an acknowledgment of the PR craft in Bulgaria. He is also responsible for managing one of the biggest Bulgarian internship programs which provides over 100 PR hopefuls with the opportunity to grow and master new skills.

He is a talented mentor which he owes to his extensive teaching experience, and is known for being able to solve every problem he is presented with because he also embraces any opportunity to teach himself more. He is considered the key driver in the success of the communications campaigns he manages for his clients, and he is uniquely able to tailor projects to fit them and their needs specifically.

Most Interesting Fact Not Found on Lubomir's Resume

I am a huge science fiction fan. It is a pure dreaming about different past and present, about a possible future, about new ideas, new worlds, new Universes. I find a lot of inspiration and visions in these books. Sometime I urge my team to think about how to offer communication services to extraterrestrial civilizations. It is fun, but it is useful.

Lubomir's Advice to His 20-Year-Old Self

Continue to read, continue to learn, continue to communicate. Every single day.

Lubomir's Profession in an Alternate Universe

I have a masters degree in Computer Science. So, maybe a software engineer would be a nice choice. And this is another form of communications, close to my understanding of how things should be done.