PR News recently asked its community to tell us who should be listed among the top game-changers of PR in the last few years. Here, we look at game-changer Alyson Roy. Check out the complete list of the 50 Game-Changers of PR for 2017.
Alyson Roy co-founded AMP3 PR in 2004 at the tender age of 23, building up the boutique New York-based agency to be ranked among the top fashion PR agencies in the nation.
Roy is responsible for signing all new accounts at AMP3 PR, and delivering results to clientele while mentoring and leading employees. With her at the helm, AMP3’s business grew by 21.7% in 2015 and by 88.42% in 2016.
Founded in 2004, AMP3 PR provides unique, customized services for fashion brands, and is now ranked among the country's Top 15 Fashion PR firms, according to O’Dwyers. In addition to handling emerging brands, AMP3 also represents global companies such as Caterpillar Footwear, Sebago and CR7, and Roy has served as chief of publicity for the Nolcha Shows at New York Fashion Week for the past 14 consecutive seasons.
Roy strives to create the most welcoming and user-friendly PR agency in New York. At AMP3, she sets a goal that everyone within the agency gain a reputation for being the nicest and most accommodating PR professionals in the business. By getting media professionals what they need as quickly and accurately as possible, and always over-delivering to their clients, Roy and her team have established a glowing reputation.
Roy also gives back to the greater PR community outside of her daily work at AMP3 PR. She regularly contributes advice to the fashion PR community through outlets such as PR Couture and The PR Closet, in addition to speaking at events, such as the annual “Intern Queen” career advice panel for students interested in pursuing a career in communications.
Along with being named one of PR News’ 50 Game-Changers of PR, Roy was also named Communicator of the Year in 2017 at the Bespoke Communication Awards, where AMP3 also took home the distinction for Best Media Event of the year.
Most Interesting Fact Not Found on Alyson’s Resume
“Most of my colleagues assume I am a straight-up New Yorker (I’ve been here for 14 years so I think I can officially call myself that), but I’m actually a proud Canadian born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The stereotypes are true: I love hockey, maple syrup (and all maple-flavored things), and I apologize too often (something I’m working on). Even though I’m from the great white north, I do lack the ‘thick blood’ we’re known for. No one dislikes the cold more than me.”
Alyson’s Advice to Her 20-Year-Old Self
“I feel like I did a good job of seeking out and taking advantage of every opportunity in my early twenties, but I didn’t necessarily know when I was 20 that I would be going into business for myself. If I could go back in time, I would encourage 20-year-old-me to be curious, to ask more questions, and to soak up as much information as possible from the mentors around me. I would also confirm that trusting my gut has always been the right thing to do.”
Alyson’s Profession in an Alternate Universe
“I’ve always loved hearing peoples’ stories and learning from others’ experiences, which is what led me to my passion for storytelling and ultimately PR. I’d love to try being on the other side of the storytelling industry, either as a journalist or a producer on a talk show. I’m a huge fan of podcasts (favorites include Tim Ferriss, Elizabeth Gilbert and Tony Robbins) and I’ve been a devoted Oprah superfan since I was a kid — I would love to work on inspiring content like this. Actually, scratch that, if this is an alternate universe, can I just be Oprah?!”