CSR Awards: Workplace Innovation

Winner: Entergy's Power to Care Campaign

Workplace_Innovation_Entergy's_Power To Care CampaignThe Power to Care is a resource for Entergy’s low-income customers. It is a long-standing program that provides assistance to the elderly and disabled who cannot pay their utility bills. Although the assistance fund has been around for more than 20 years, there is a need to keep it fresh and vital in the eyes of employees, retirees, shareholders and customers.

As government funding to assistance programs becomes tighter, The Power to Care needs to double its funding and be a primary program for contributions from employees, shareholders, retirees and customers.

Entergy’s goal in 2013 was that $500,000 would be raised from employee and retiree giving, and matched 1:1 by shareholders. That’s more than double the amount raised the previous year.

A special internal site was developed for the campaign. It featured a Power to Care donation form that automatically identified the employee by email and filled in pertinent contact information. The donation site was also connected to an online Entergy outlet store with 100th anniversary-branded items. Employees could select a certain number and type of gift, depending on the level of donation. The campaign launched the week of February 14 with the slogan, “Turn on your Heartlight,” to both play off Valentine’s Day and the company’s mission.

Honorable Mention:

  • Benevity - Spark Workplace Giving: Engaging Employees to Make Goodness Matter (Even More!)