Digital & Technology


How to Shift PR Plans to Succeed at Virtual Trade Events

August 2nd, 2020 by

No doubt the pandemic has narrowed choices for brand communicators, especially those accustomed to decamping to Las Vegas every January for CES. With the task of creating and maintaining brand images, communicators will have to change their PR plans for all-digital events, such as CES. A CES veteran, communicator David Wolpert offers tips on how to do this successfully.

[VIDEO] PRNEWS talks to Lou Dubois of Hilton about brand responsibility during COVID

July 22nd, 2020 by

PRNEWS welcomes Lou Dubois, Director of Editorial Content for Hilton to talk about brand responsibility during COVID and delivering that sentiment in messaging.

AMEC Summit is Virtual Yet Vital as Macnamara Tackles Misinformation

July 8th, 2020 by

The start of the AMEC Global Summit featured a terrific talk from well-known academic Jim Mcnamara. The Australian professor highlighted research from his new book, which looked at misinformation in various forms. A multi-faceted approach is needed to combat the scourge, he said.


Everything PR Pros (and Brands) Need to Know About Deepfakes

July 6th, 2020 by

Using AI to create realistic but deceitful video content, known as a deepfake, is rapidly moving into the business world. As such, communicators need to know how to recognize and combat deepfakes to protect their business and the brands they represent. Kglobal’s Ellen Huber offers tips and tactics.

Don’t Believe Your Eyes: Deepfakes Could Haunt PR Soon

July 1st, 2020 by

Deepfakes, or Artificial Intelligence-generated synthetic videos, have been on the crisis communications periphery since 2017. Here’s what you and those you represent need to know about them.

How the Tech Tapestry Can Work for PR Measurement

June 29th, 2020 by

It’s no secret that during times where marketing and communications budgets continue to be slashed, that teams have to do more with less. Whether it is a reduction in team members or resources, everyone needs to work together even closer to get the job done. One aspect to look at to help alleviate this burden is technology and the tech tapestry.

Gilead Sciences Outlines Pricing Process for Treatment in Statement

June 29th, 2020 by

While the announcement of an effective drug treatment available worldwide for those suffering from the cryptic virus should be something to celebrate, delving into an explanation about pricing for a possibly life-saving drug may cause some reader’s stomachs to churn. Gilead’s statement attempts to strike a delicate balance, focusing on the importance of the treatment while justifying its value. 

Wendy’s Twitter Silence on Brooks Speaks Volumes

June 15th, 2020 by

When a brand gets caught in the middle of a crisis, what IS the proper response? Is it better to be a punching bag for the public and stay silent, or is it the responsibility of the middleman to explain or absolve themselves from the situation? So what is Wendy’s role?

facial recognition cameras scan coffee shop customers

Face, Off: IBM, Amazon and Microsoft Limit Police Use of Surveillance AI

June 11th, 2020 by

Earlier this week, IBM and Amazon said they will pull back from facial recognition technology contracts with law enforcement. The use of machine learning technology that detects faces has come under renewed scrutiny for racial bias. In addition, the technology is known to be flawed, particularly when applied to non-white faces. Until today, Microsoft was notably quiet on the issue, given it too has provided facial recognition software to police.

[VIDEO] LinkedIn Live Secrets With CompTIA’s Kelly Stone

June 11th, 2020 by

CompTIA’s senior director of global social media Kelly Stone shared LinkedIn Live best practices with PRNEWS senior content manager Sophie Maerowitz.