Crisis Management


Shanghai Disneyland’s Reopening Could Serve as a Model

May 11th, 2020 by

Shanghai Disneyland reopened today, with plenty of eyes watching. As parts of the world attempt to emerge from lockdown and stay-at-home orders, onlookers wonder how opening the gates to large destinations like Disneyland will unfold,… Continued

The White House Places Its Bet on a No-Bad-News Approach

May 10th, 2020 by

If real life were like the movies, then when the President of the United States and the Vice President were exposed to a potentially deadly virus, the script would have the White House press secretary… Continued

Lysol and Clorox Clean Up with Their Communication

May 8th, 2020 by

The coronavirus has shined a spotlight on heretofore unheralded people and things. Cleaning and transport staff, fast-food and supermarket workers now are essential employees. Finally. Also essential are healthcare workers, some of whom have ascended… Continued

How to Create a Communications Plan for Reopening

May 8th, 2020 by

With reopening touching so many industries, there is no one-size-fits-all communications strategy. But communicators will be left holding the mic, responsible for over-communicating policies and practices to employees, customers and other stakeholders. Here are tips to help.

man on top of angry pile of social media comments

A Social Media Crisis Checklist for 2020

May 7th, 2020 by

It never hurts to revisit crisis operating procedures, particularly as they relate to social media. (In fact, with so many projects on pause, now may be the ideal time to rethink your crisis response.) These tips should prove useful as you audit your internal social media processes to stay resilient amid a communications crisis.

Coronavirus Amplifies The Focus on Fake News…and Laughter

May 7th, 2020 by

Fake news is not a new phenomenon. Its proliferation during the pandemic, though, when life and death are at stake, has elevated the issue to a new level. As a result, Hill + Knowlton’s (US) new analytics chief John Gillooly believes verifying data will be hot after the pandemic subsides. He also thinks it’s important for people to laugh now. Even for data analysts.

Value or Noise and Other Tips for Digital PR During The Pandemic

May 6th, 2020 by

With a homebound audience during the pandemic, it’s tempting for brands and organizations to flood the digital zone with endless rounds of messages. That’s a mistake, Evoke KYNE global digital chief Julie O’Donnell says. Instead, consider first whether your message is adding value or noise.

Communicator Looks to Chapter 11 for New Business

May 6th, 2020 by

The coronavirus has prompted PR firms to create practices aimed at helping brands, companies and organizations work during the pandemic and make plans to emerge from it. Given the virus’s decimation of the economy, another… Continued

How Mariah Kennedy-Cuomo Masked Her Dad’s Poor Communication Skills

May 5th, 2020 by

What to do when you have trouble communicating and there’s an important message to send? Qualification: You’re an ineffective communicator in the eyes of your 25-year-old daughter. And to make things more complex, you happen to be governor of the country’s coronavirus epicenter?

Apologize or Advocate: Choices for Crafting Statements During Pandemic

May 5th, 2020 by

As stores and businesses suspended operations in the wake of the pandemic, many sent customers updates of new business hours, closures, delays and service suspensions. The question, though, is how to communicate such messages. Should you be an advocate or an apologist? Both approaches have merit.