Archive: January 2000


Crisis Campaign Instills Confidence in New CEO Decision

January 6th, 2000 by

When the board of Southeast Medical Alliance (SMA) decided to remove its CEO of nearly 10 years, it knew the sensitive decision required a solid crisis communications plan before making a public announcement in September… Continued

Diet and Exercise Become Top Priorities

January 6th, 2000 by

Increasingly, diet and exercise are becoming top priorities for Americans, according to a survey by the American Dietetic Association (ADA). In 1999, at least 84% of American adults said that diet and nutrition are important… Continued

Safe-sex Messages Elude HIV-infected Youths

January 6th, 2000 by

Despite aggressive youth-focused messages about safe sex, HIV-infected male and female youths are twice as likely as adults to practice unsafe sex or to share needles following the diagnosis, according to researchers at the University… Continued

Y2K Babies Challenge Hospitals To Avoid Over-hyping Promotions

January 6th, 2000 by

Y2K issues kept healthcare PR professionals plenty busy throughout 1999 and around the clock on New Year’s Eve. Chances are one of the key reasons you had to ring in the Year 2000 at a… Continued

Deregulated Utility Brands Need Power Surge

January 3rd, 2000 by

Having, until recently, operated in a highly regulated environment, utility companies have had little incentive to focus on competitive branding – and it shows. The latest "Corporate Brand Power" index released by Stamford, Conn.-based Corporate… Continued

Press Releases: A Waste of Time?

January 3rd, 2000 by

For 20 years before I became a traffic builder for Web sites, I was a publicist handling household name consumer brands. I’m going to share a trade secret with you: press releases are a colossal… Continued

Message Reaches Families Through Libraries, Nonprofits

January 3rd, 2000 by

To boost Illinois’ dismal CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) enrollment numbers last year, an outreach campaign leveraged untapped community resources to reach uninsured working families. Prior to this campaign, only 27,000 of 200,000 eligible children… Continued


January 3rd, 2000 by

More trends on the horizon, as scoped out by industry insiders. Media fragmentation. "As each day goes by, the mainstream press has less and less influence. Just look at the decline of broadcast TV. Internet… Continued

More Tips from the Trenches…How to Talk Travel

January 3rd, 2000 by

Hold off pitching your travel industry client’s 14-day sightseeing tours and figure out how their product or service will work for the business traveler who wants a little vacation fling. Instead of targeting the overworked… Continued

Media Insight

January 3rd, 2000 by

Hemispheres magazine Although Hemispheres magazine primarily reaches readers in the air during business flights, Editor Randy Johnson is bent on heightening the United Airlines magazine to make it the most informative travel news source… Continued