
More trends on the horizon, as scoped out by industry insiders.

Media fragmentation. "As each day goes by, the mainstream press has less and less influence. Just look at the decline of broadcast TV. Internet broadcast firms will be really hot next year." - Paul Luthringer, executive director, corporate communications, The Hearst Corp. (212/649-2540).

Web as credible news source. "We still focus heavily on industry trades [print], but going forward, we'll look more for online plugs from sites like CNet and Sites like CBS Marketwatch online are becoming more influential and immediate." - Bill Price, corporate media relations manager, Lucent Technologies (908/582-4820).

Executive migrations. "I think you will see more senior level people leaving bigger firms in hopes of two opportunities: the chance to go into business for themselves, and the chance to join a start-up with tons of money and stock options." - Alan Weinkrantz, president, Alan Weinkrantz & Co. (210/820-3070).

I/R a bullish discipline. "America is growing as an investor community and people want investment information from morning to night. Even restaurants display tickers. Talk about relaxing at lunch!"

-Tom Williams, senior manager, corporate communications, Wal-Mart Corp. (501/277-0609).