

Loving Communications: 10 Tips to Help Humanize Your Brand’s Message

May 2nd, 2016 by

Science is deceptively void of emotion. There’s a Big Bang, a periodic table and numbers. But they can get awfully dry, and so can technology—at least on the surface.

It’s Good to Be King: How Creating Quality Content Solves SEO Issues

May 2nd, 2016 by

Keyword-based SEO is a trap. Most of us know that keyword stuffing is a bad idea, but many aren’t aware that most of the effort put into keywords is of low consequence.

Consumer Engagement With B2C Instagram Videos Up Nearly 80%

May 2nd, 2016 by

As engagement with U.S. consumer brands on Instagram grew 30% in Q1 ’16 vs Q1 ’15, primed by 15% growth in posts, the bigger story was a precipitous jump in video, according to exclusive data provided by Shareablee to PR News.

How to Manage the Media Heat in a Red-Hot Story: PR Lessons From the French Train Heroics

May 2nd, 2016 by

People who want to resolve issues, those are who you want in a crisis.

PR Pro or Pest? How Fewer Pitches Can Make You a Trusted Source

May 2nd, 2016 by

An overabundance of options usually leads people to consolidate their trust into a few select providers.

#LegoGate Reveals Deeper Issues Than Internal Comms

April 29th, 2016 by

In an April 27 interview with the Wall Street Journal, the Lego Group essentially blamed low-level employees for a crisis involving an artist’s request for a bulk order of its plastic blocks. Even if all this was the result of a misunderstanding by a customer service employee, is it good PR to focus on employee mistakes in the Wall Street Journal?

Performance Vs. Outcomes: Why You’re Measuring PR All Wrong

April 29th, 2016 by

Measuring PR is a hot topic. Talk to any PR or marketing leader and they want to know which campaigns are paying off, which influencers and reporters are driving engagement, and if their agency retainer is bigger than their ROI.

The problem, of course, is that most leaders aren’t sure how to find those answers. The intention to measure PR accurately is there, but the ability often isn’t.

5 Content-Star-Making Tips for Your Brand

April 28th, 2016 by

Finding and developing content stars among a brand’s employees and customers is something Southwest Airlines knows a little bit about. Brooks Thomas, who plays a key role in Southwest’s social content strategy, will be sharing how-to’s and some case study examples of his brand’s star-making process in his keynote presentation on June 6, 2016, at PR News’ Digital PR & Marketing Conference in Miami Beach. He offers some quick Southwest-style tips here to help you develop your own cast of content stars.

4 Metrics to Measure on Snapchat

April 28th, 2016 by

One of the most common questions communicators have upon getting into Snapchat is “How do I measure?” The lack of a native analytics platform or a web presence means that there simply isn’t a lot of data available, and what data there is has to be recorded manually. But there are still metrics that can inform the growth of your Snapchat strategy, as well as how effectively you’re engaging your audience.

2 Ways Chobani Just Changed the Employee Relations Game

April 27th, 2016 by

Chobani founder and CEO Hamdi Ulukaya set a new standard for employee relations on April 26 when he gave the company’s more than 2,000 full-time employees an ownership stake in the massively popular yogurt brand. “I’ve built something I never thought would be such a success, but I cannot think of Chobani being built without all these people,” Ulukaya told the New York Times. “Now they’ll be working to build the company even more and building their future at the same time.”