Crisis Management


PR Crisis Roundtable: Speed Is Needed; Transparency? Well, Maybe

January 24th, 2011 by

Crisis/reputation management experts weigh in on what PR has learned from the major crises of 2010, and what lessons PR pros can take from those crises and apply this year.

Public Divided on WikiLeaks’ Document Dump

January 10th, 2011 by

Free speech or security threat? Americans are conflicted about how much freedom organizations like WikiLeaks should have in publishing confidential documents.

Archiving Social Media Content: For the 2011 To-Do List, or a Needless Action?

December 20th, 2010 by

Should social media posts, tweets, videos and the like be saved by an organization? Or is it enough to depend on the platforms themselves when the need to find such content arises?

Image Patrol: WikiLeaks Squares Off With the U.S. Government

December 13th, 2010 by

Katie Paine analyzes the fallout around the latest WikiLeaks release, and grades the stealthy whistle-blowing site’s communications vs. the efforts of the U.S. government.

Seven Critical Questions to Ask Yourself in a Crisis

December 8th, 2010 by

Have all your crisis ducks in a row? Here’s a checklist of questions from John R. Brooks of the Communication Services of the Evangelical Lutheran Church that may save you some trouble.

Plan Your Leadership Strategy for Your Next Crisis Today

December 6th, 2010 by

While dealing with a communications crisis may unpleasant, advance planning, skillful execution and honest evaluation could provide the ultimate PR learning experience.

Navigate Dangerous Crisis Roads With Opinion Research

November 22nd, 2010 by

Think of a crisis as a trip—with proper information, planning and execution, the damage to one’s reputation is minimized. A well-executed plan will keep you on track and minimize the possibility of dangers along the way.

Calling Out Reporters a Tightrope Act Thanks to the 24/7 News Cycle

November 15th, 2010 by

While it’s important to make sure that quotes are correct and facts are straight in a story, there are times to call attention to mistakes and times to back off.

Fostering Internal Trust: Deploying Your Intranet in a Crisis

November 8th, 2010 by

In case of a crisis, calming fears and disseminating factual information internally is critical. Your organization’s Intranet can be the one-stop shop for gaining employee trust.

Crisis Litigation: You Can’t Just Tell Your Story in Court

November 1st, 2010 by

Given the power of blogs and other social media channels, crisis expert Richard Levick writes that it’s critical that organizations have a digital-savvy litigation communications team in place.