Archive: January 2013


Is Subway’s Short Footlong a PR Mess?

January 17th, 2013 by

A slighted Subway customer posted a photo of his 11-inch sub on the chain’s Facebook page, which traveled all the way to the cover of the New York Post.

Misconceptions About the Role of PR Abound 

January 17th, 2013 by

An informal poll on our Facebook page strikes a nerve. Do you concur with some of the responses?

What’s Your One Goal With Social Media? Proceed From That Point

January 17th, 2013 by

Andy Smith, co-author of "The Dragonfly Effect" and morning keynote speaker at PR News’ Feb. 27 Digital PR Summit in San Francisco, advises organizations of all stripes to formulate a single goal for all social media activity.

‘Dunbar’s Number’ may Change the Math of PR

January 16th, 2013 by

With data an increasingly important element of marketing communications, PR folks may feel like they’re starting to drown in numbers. So one more shouldn’t hurt. But this number is likely to have a much bigger impact on the ability of communication…

Public Confused With Social Monetization

January 16th, 2013 by

Large numbers of adults don’t really understand how Facebook and Google make money.

An Appreciation: Daniel Edelman (1920-2013)

January 16th, 2013 by

Daniel Edelman, the founder the of the world’s largest PR agency, was a pioneer in the field of marketing communications.

Boeing’s 787 PR Problem: When Do Glitches Turn Into a Crisis?

January 16th, 2013 by

Experts say all new aircraft go through growing pains, but after a serious of problems with its highly touted Dreamliner, at what point does Boeing go into PR crisis mode?

What Facebook’s New Graph Search Means for PR Pros

January 16th, 2013 by

While Facebook piqued the media’s and its users’ interest with its latest feature announcement, here is what it means for the practicing PR pro, so far.

How Content Marketing is Changing the PR Gestalt 

January 16th, 2013 by

Before PR execs embark on a content-marketing strategy, they first need to understand the actions of their audiences.

The Digital/Social War Room Gains Steam

January 15th, 2013 by

Who can forget the photo of President Obama and prominent members of his administration anxiously watching monitors while the assault on Osama Bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan went on in real-time. Now it seems that brands are having their own &#8…