Archive: January 2003


Strategy of the Week

January 13th, 2003 by

This week’s strategy: Know thy subject matter (especially if your subject matter is PR). All too often lately we’ve asked relatively simple questions of fairly senior-level PR executives, only to be told, “I’ll get back… Continued

Chronicle Mag Gets Facelift

January 13th, 2003 by

The San Francisco Chronicle Magazine launched a redesign last month that’s not just skin deep. Sure, the paper stock is heavier and the mag has a new look, but it also includes new features like… Continued

Goodbye to Bartley

January 13th, 2003 by

The Wall Street Journal’s venerable editor, Robert Bartley, has retired after more than 30 years with the paper but will continue to pen the Thinking Things Over column. Paul Gigot, editorial page editor, will assume… Continued

Editor’s Note

January 13th, 2003 by

Dear Readers, Happy New Year! We hope 2003 will bring you success and prosperity – and we want to help you meet those goals. This year PR NEWS officially launches several new tools and features… Continued

Bringing Some Estrogen to Entrepreneurs

January 13th, 2003 by

According to Keli Swenson, founder of new bi-monthly pub Female Entrepreneur, magazines for small business owners are operating in an old-school world where the entrepreneurial spirit was distinctly masculine. Female Entrepreneur and its companion Web… Continued

Bringing in the Specialist: Making the Most of Outside Media Trainers

January 13th, 2003 by

Sure, your executive team is good on camera and talks easily with the press. General media savvy is nice to have, and everyday prompting and coaching from the PR team about executive interactions with media… Continued

PR NEWS CSR Winners: Corporate Citizenship Proves its Powers

January 13th, 2003 by

Honesty. Transparency. Responsibility. They’re the buzz words for every company these days. But the winners of this year’s PR NEWS CSR Awards did more than just talk about them. In a year in which corporate… Continued