4 Essentials on Writing for Mobile

Image: Hi-TechCentre
Image: Hi-TechCentre

Forty-three percent of emails are read on a mobile device, according to email analytics company, Litmus. If you haven't already been writing with mobile in mind, it's time to start because that percentage is only going to grow, and probably faster than we care to think.

Ephraim Cohen, executive VP of technology and digital content at MWW Group, says mobile distribution is about targeting and timing. Cohen recommends four guidelines to ensure your mobile dispatches tune consumers in to your messages, product and services.

●      Maximum info, minimum words: Cut the fluff and get to the point, but don't bore them. Some mobile channels are optimized for images, transforming "writing" into "shooting" or "drawing." Take advantage of the visual capabilities smartphones provide.

●      Know your context: Facebook is more personal and fun, whereas Twitter is more of a news source. Platforms like Instagram and Vine can be both creative and business-centric.

●      Visualize your content: Cohen found that blurbs that included visuals received roughly 150 more retweets than those without on Twitter. On StumbleUpon, those without images received less than 300 the shares that visual posts garnered.

●      Know the structure: On Twitter, consider every punctuation and know your hashtags and @ signs. When it comes to Facebook, think images and captions. Finally, with email, you want to aim for "above the fold" (roughly tweet length) with a single column and compelling subject line.

Want more mobile writing tips? Attend the Aug. 5 PR News Writing Boot Camp, held at the Westin in San Francisco. Register today.

Follow Lucia Davis: @LKCDavis