This Just In…

  • Burson-Marsteller has formed an Ethical and Social Responsibility practice in response to increased corporate scrutiny. The practice is led by Richard Aylard, Nick Bent
    and Louise Hawson in London; and John Clarke, Jordana Friedman and Julie Jack in New York. (See cover story.) In other B-M news, the U.S. Treasury Department has awarded the
    agency a $55 million contract to debut new anti-counterfeit currency to be launched next year.
  • Marriott Corp. has its britches in a bunch over a photo spread including young women dressed in little more than their own britches. The spread appeared along with a recent
    satirical piece in GQ which described the high-living lifestyle of "Frenchie and Dallas Marriot" (one "t," not two), who GQ editors say are a spoof on the real-life Hilton
    sisters. Despite the difference in spelling, Marriott is speaking out against the article, saying it damages the company's good name.
  • PR Newswire cut about 30 percent of its staff in the wake of revenue declines. Many attribute the declines to corporate reluctance to release news in an environment of
    heightened scrutiny.