This Just In…

  • While HP CEO Carly Fiorina is claiming victory in the investor relations war fought over the acquisition of Compaq, the official tally won't be available for weeks.
    Walter Hewlett, son of one of the company's founders, had waged a major investor relations campaign with HP's 900,000 shareholders, attempting to block the acquisition.
  • The International Association of Business Communicators names its proposed 2002-2003 leadership slate (pending ratification at its 2002 conference in June in Chicago). The
    slate includes Stephanie Griffiths, of Johannesburg, South Africa, as vice chairman of the board with automatic succession to chair from 2002 to 2005. Todd Hattori, of Salt Lake
    City; Lori Joseph, of Overland Park, Kan.; Alan Raby, of Sydney, Australia; Paul Sanchez, of London, UK; and Jan Thibodeau of Cumberland, R.I. are slated as directors-at-large
    from 2002-2004.