This Just In

PSAs About Children's Causes Interest Broadcasters

Historically, news editors and producers have snubbed their noses at canned copy. But when it comes to broadcast trends, radio and TV stations often accept and even appreciate the well-done VNR or the timely PSA. And if it's a cause-related PSA, it has a better shot at garnering precious airtime.

Fifty-four percent of about 150 radio station public affairs directors said they will give "special consideration to certain causes," with local community issues and events and topics related to children claiming top-of-mind shares, according to a survey conducted by West Glen (see chart above).

The New York-based company is a video, audio and multimedia placement firm.

On the TV side, 50 percent of 166 respondents said they were more "likely to air PSAs on certain causes," with 41 percent specifying children's issues. (West Glen, 212/921-2800)