Tech Tools and PR: Never the Twain Shall Meet?

Score one for PR pros who think that PR is an art form and doesn't lend itself to science. Senior-level marketing executives and directors from 52 U.S.-based high tech firms
participating in a recent survey cited public relations, advertising and conferencing and events as the most difficult disciplines to measure. The study, conducted by Smith &
Suita Inc. and MarketWise Innovations, found the following stumbling blocks:

  • Difficulty getting the data (49%)
  • Not having the technology or tools to measure results (47%)
  • Not having enough time (45%)

Survey respondents say they use a variety of criteria for measuring PR, ranging from actual number of placements and comparable ad value to qualitative information such as tone
of the article, key messages and -- natch -- "buzz." One director of a marketing company, with revenue of less than $50 million, who participated in the study, says, "Campaigns
with low response and poor quality leads are identified and discarded early allowing a more profitable use of budget." Contact: Paula Suita: 781.784.2900, [email protected].