
balled up string smooths out into a path for someone to walk on. A lightbulb at end of string to symbolize and idea or purpose.

Measuring the Impact of Purpose

September 26th, 2023 by

In today’s PR industry, many are looking to simply define exactly what the impact of purpose means. 

Double exposure of graph and rows of coins for finance and business concept

Deeper Data Insights are Key to Demonstrating ROI in PR

May 15th, 2023 by

“What’s the real value?” is a question that never goes away and underpins every new business presentation. So what should PR pros do?

The Dirty Little Secret of Social Media Metrics

June 12th, 2017 by

Marketers are trained to watch engagement, track reach, respond to comments and keep an eye out for influencers on social media. But above and beyond how many shares and click throughs a post receives, the question your senior leaders really want to know is, “What’s the ROI of your social media efforts?” If you want more budget, headcount or respect within your organization, then you better have an answer to that question.

PR Insider: 5 PR Trends Gaining Traction

May 1st, 2014 by

If you are a PR pro searching for strategies to achieve success for your brand, consider these trends as a way of achieving results.