

It’s Time to Seize PR’s Dynamic Moment

December 6th, 2018 by

The future appears bright for PR as advertising will cede its authority, a panel of veteran PR executives says. Yet PR pros must be prepared to grab the mantle, bolstering their knowledge and use of technology and working strategically. In addition, communicators must continue to build relationships with clients.

Top 10 Public Relations Trends for Those Paying Attention (Plus, One Call to Action)

December 3rd, 2018 by

It comes up in most conversations and lingers, unresolved: how can I find and then retain great talent? During a panel I moderated recently on the future of PR, this topic was discussed at length,… Continued

Here’s Where Communicators are Hoping to Invest More Resources

October 24th, 2018 by

Money can’t buy you love and it can’t buy you passionate employees, but it surely can buy you more resources. When posed with the question of “What would you do with a 15% increase in… Continued

How to Drive Meaningful Interactions Through Your Social Media Content

August 9th, 2018 by

As communication professionals, we’ve heard it before: Don’t try to tell every story. Tell the stories that matter. From creating content that’s in line with your brand identity, to placing trust in your social following, influencers and partners to co-create and amplify content, it’s more important than ever to be relevant or risk being scrolled past in consumers’ news feeds. Here’s how you can cultivate meaningful connections with your social content.

How to Craft a Communications Dashboard Tied to Organizational Goals

August 1st, 2018 by

If you’re overwhelmed with the number of analytics tools available on the market for communicators, you’re not alone. Between free options like Google Analytics, paid platforms like Meltwater and Adobe, and native analytics on social media sites, it can be a challenge to determine where to look to find the data that’s important to your team and company. Especially if it turns out that the metrics you need can’t all be found in one place. But, if utilized correctly, this can be a boon rather than a burden.

3 Ways to Make Buyer Personas Part of PR Measurement

July 26th, 2018 by

As the PR industry looks forward into the next few years, PR pros are being advised to move away from old-school metrics like ad-value equivalencies (AVEs) and impressions. But what should communicators focus on instead? According to Renee Spurlin, vice president of analytics and digital marketing at ARPR, personas and customer journey mapping are the metrics of the future, and all PR goals should be in alignment with them.

6 Ways to Play Offense Before the C-Suite Questions PR’s Value

July 18th, 2018 by

It is better to play offense than defense. Don’t wait until you and your team are asked to prove your value to the business. Start a measurement program now so that when the inevitable happens and the C-suite wants proof of communication’s contributions to the organization, you’ve already got it in hand.

PR Isn’t Just Media Relations: Four Steps to a Holistic PR Measurement Plan

July 3rd, 2018 by

Assuming your communications team is already incorporating measurement into your daily operations—and if you’re not, you should definitely start—you must then make sure you’re measuring as much as you possibly can. Many PR pros focus solely on media relations measurement, without taking into consideration all the other aspects of a PR program. This is a mistake. Here we explain the importance of looking at your communications measurement holistically in order to truly prove the value of PR to the bottom line of the business.

9 Tips for Measuring Employee Engagement

June 18th, 2018 by

A company that truly values the happiness of its employees is more likely to find success within its industry. After all, a content employee is one who feels her work is appreciated, feels invested in the mission of the organization and is less likely to search for another job elsewhere. So, it would behoove any and all brands to create a strategy to maintain or increase employee engagement and retention. And like any good strategy, it should rely on key metrics and analysis. Here are some best practices for measuring your employee engagement program to ensure it is efficient and effective.

How Boeing and General Motors Emphasize Data Company-Wide

June 6th, 2018 by

Though it’s extremely important for individual communicators to take steps to become proficient with data and analytics, it won’t do much good if the rest of your company isn’t on board. Brands that embrace metrics at all levels of the organization are in the best position for success.